•1927: Mario Ghibaudi starts the production of starter drives and cv joints. Set up GHIBAUDI MARIO .
•1960 : strategic decision to produce starter drives and pinions only .
•1967 : opening historical site in Turin of 4000 sqm .
•1970 : opening GHIBAUDI FRANCE .
•1980 : opening GHIBAUDI SPAIN .
•1990 : associated to APRA .
•1997 : certification ISO 9001 .
•2000 : warehouse increases from 4000 sqm to 6000 sqm .
•2001 : certification ISO 14001 .
•2007 : setting off the ignition coils range .
•2008 : acquiring Elauto and new lines as brushes, regulators and glow plugs .
•2009 : moving to new location in Alpignano in an area of 10.000 sqm .
•2010 : acquiring Cosma and starts solenoids production .
•2012 : setting off the steering column switches and steering suspension parts ranges .
•2013 : setting off the starter motor and alternator range .
•2014 : setting off the fuel pumps range and setting up the product divisions .
•2015: Starting production of rotors, stators, armatures, field coils .